Landing pages March 3, 2023

Indigo Learning LP

01 // Our Creative Approach

Indigo Learning Unveil
Engaging Landing Page
for Kids!

In a collaborative effort, Indigo Learning partnered with Zorbit’s Math Adventure to bring an animated and engaging math learning experience for kids. Our team orchestrated the creation of a captivating landing page on WordPress, implementing effective techniques to maximize lead generation while optimizing ad spend.

  • Strategic Design Harmony on Figma: Meticulously designed layouts on Figma, seamlessly blending aesthetics, brand colors, and an intuitive UI/UX approach to resonate with the target audience of young learners.

  • Rockstar Developers Collaboration: Executed by our skilled developers, the landing page not only reflects the vibrant collaboration but also ensures lightning-fast load times and flawless device responsiveness, creating an immersive experience for both parents and kids.
